Cape Town – The ANC has a leader who is like a cancerous lump that has metastasised over time, wrote Fin24 columnist Solly Moeng in a recent article.



“It is hard to see how they could extract the lump without hurting, as it has already affected other crucial body parts to which it has grown attached,” said Moeng.


READ: Zuma cancer has spread to whole ANC

This clearly struck a note with many Fin24 users.

Conrad Els writes: “These cancer cells within our structures need to be eradicated as fast as possible. The message needs to be sent that the people of SA will not stand for the blatant theft of ‘OUR’ money, in the interest of making Zupta and his cronies wealthy. The billions of rands that have been stolen, mismanaged and given as payouts are unbelievable.”

Zac Truss has clearly given the matter some thought. He writes: “I fully agree with everything he (Moeng) wrote and absolutely share his dream. I’m also scared; scared that the collective thinking of the majority of the voters who put Zuma in power in the first place, could not be reframed in time to avoid much further damage done by Zuma and his cronies.

“I’m scared that too many voters still remain so captive to archaic political, ethnic and tribal allegiances that they refuse to, or are unable to look into the collective mirror that Mr Moeng so aptly referred to. Unless and until this is done, I cannot see the emergence of a drive from civil society to rescue themselves from the prevailing cancer that Mr Moeng described so well.”

He ends his comments on a pessimistic note: “But how can we mobilise the majority of voters, the silent masses, to see the light and realise that our collective dream is not only deferred, but it is being shattered by this cancer? I’m scared, because I don’t know, and I’m losing hope.”

Zirk comments: “Solly Moeng is cutting to the bone. Every word is TRUE!”

In his response, Louis Fourie points out that evil and injustice, when tolerated, become like a cancer.

“First the cancer becomes tolerated, then the cancer becomes embraced and before long it becomes a good thing… I believe as South Africans we are already at the point where people have started to believe being corrupt to serve your own interest is a good thing, like it is a right, and an entitlement.”


Government violates its social contract

He points out that the government has a social contract with the country’s people. “This contract is founded on the premise of democracy and our constitution. The people pay rates and taxes, government must provide services and govern what belongs to all of us. Yet this agreement is unceremoniously breached at will for self benefit and enrichment to the detriment of us all, our future, and the future of our children.”

But there is a remedy, suggests Fourie: “I believe we need to cut out the cancer, and as soon as possible, so the healing can begin. It will only get worse. We must just be sure not to replace one tyrant with another that is even worse.”

Ian Masson writes: “I totally agree with your (Moeng’s) sentiments. However, we need to have your views published in all the main daily newspapers.” He suggests that special focus be placed on “newspapers which serve the black communities”.

Stephen Mthukwane believes killing what he calls “this deployment disease” is the solution to the problem. “We cannot say the country is lacking skilled individuals, yet there are people with qualifications sitting at home because the system is telling them it cannot accommodate them.

“This deployees’ sickness must be dealt with harshly, then we will have a country that will move in a positive direction. It is evident that we lack proper administration in all our government departments. We also need to spend more on teaching our people financial literacy.”

“How to treat the cancer?” asks Ludwig Chur. “One small ray of hope, perhaps the last bastion of sanity, is the constitutional court. And the fact that the court case on Nkandla was and is shown on television. A step in the right direction. However, large financial interests will continue if not checked now, assuming that it is not too late to start operation claw back.”


READ: SONA: Lekota poses key question – is ConCourt dead?

Nkositandile Faya pulls no punches: “South Africa wake up now, this is bigger than any drug cartel – the country is heading for demise. We should call for a vote of no confidence on the president and his cabinet.”

“I agree our dream of a South Africa in 1990 is no longer,” writes Andre Smuts. He feels “some high-ranking ANC members that are not in the Zuma kraal and our ‘black diamonds’ (should) start taking control and stop supporting the ANC”.

Avianfrank keeps it brief and injects a dash of humour: “It then appears that no amount of radiation or chemo is going to remove this cancer. However, I have heard that a daily dose of cannabis does the trick. Will give this a try and stuff the rest….”

However, Isaac Moabi uses some strong language to put his point of view across:”I totally disagree with the writer of this article as his comments smell of bitterness to black majority rule. Biblically speaking, these are the modern-day Judas Iscariots.”