Forging a new way to build a better South Africa

IT SEEMS like South Africans will soon need to wake up to the truth that Cyril Ramaphosa and his confusing top six leadership team were elected for two things, and two things only: the first is to prevent the ANC from splitting at any cost, and the second is to ensure that it retains political [...]

2018-01-10T18:09:01+02:00January 10th, 2018|

Can the ANC rebrand and rise again?

SOME of you might remember the name Washington Okumu; I bet many won't. Let me not waste time trying to make you guess; this is the man who played a rather significant role in salvaging our 1994 moment when it almost got derailed by one Chief Mangosuthu Buthelezi’s Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP).  To refresh the [...]

2016-11-30T07:57:34+02:00November 30th, 2016|
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