Jacques Chirac

An era of realignment – where does SA stand?

IN TWO months’ time, the French electorate will be invited to choose between four presidential hopefuls to lead their country into what increasingly seems like an uncertain future. They will choose between - in the order of opinion poll popularity - extreme right wing Marine Le Pen (National Front): 25%; independent centre left candidate Emmanuel [...]

2022-11-03T05:49:39+02:00February 8th, 2017|

Malema: SA’s Donald Trump?

DURING the 1997 French legislative elections, a lady was pulled aside by a France Inter radio journalist and asked to share her views about two opposing candidates she had gone to listen to during the campaigning, one earlier that day and the other one a few days before.  The first candidate was Alain Juppé, who [...]

2016-11-26T16:10:33+02:00November 26th, 2016|
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