Mmusi Maimane

President Ramaphosa needs to lead South Africa from the front

A few weeks ago, President Ramaphosa stated that the 2019 general elections will be more important than the historic, racially inclusive, elections that ushered in our post-apartheid democratic order, in 1994.  I disagreed with him then and I still do so now. But I will agree to a point if what he meant was that the 2019 [...]

2019-02-16T20:01:39+02:00February 16th, 2019|

If Maimane were the new President…

WHEN George W Bush was President of the United States of America, the world experienced America at, arguably, its angriest, arrogant and violent state since the December 1941 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour, the US Naval Base in Hawaii. Within a year after George W Bush won the US presidency, terrorists planned and successfully executed [...]

2015-05-13T21:13:21+02:00May 13th, 2015|
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