
Vodacom: Terms & conditions apply

“LET them eat cake; let them scream all they want and they will finally accept it and move on;” this seems to be Vodacom’s attitude in the face of widespread criticism after it announced that it would increase its tariffs on voice and data contracts, starting in May. READ: Vodacom increases contract prices Subscribers who [...]

2015-04-08T09:34:01+02:00April 8th, 2015|

Are You a Reputation Manager? Be Curious

The Reputation Economy It is often said that we now operate in a Reputation Economy. You can read this in any way you like but, whatever approach you take, you have to consider as a starting point the extent to which the world and all of us have become much more connected by the internet. [...]

2014-10-27T12:38:28+02:00October 24th, 2014|
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