Paul Mashatile

Can the ANC be saved from itself?

“WE SHOULD resist the temptation to fall further into the trap of believing the narrative that the ANC has won elections, as this plunges us further into denialism.  "The excruciating pain we are experiencing is largely self-inflicted.... we became complacent to a point where we believed our own propaganda that we will rule for eternity. [...]

2016-09-10T15:42:46+02:00September 10th, 2016|

What will it take to revive Brand ANC?

“IN AFRICA, we do not kick a man who’s already lying on the ground bleeding.”   Ok, please do not ask me where I got that from because I wouldn’t know how to answer you. But the reason is simple, there is ample evidence of men, women and children being kicked while lying on the [...]

2016-08-14T07:25:39+02:00August 14th, 2016|
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