Unmasking the enablers of state capture

NO ONE should be shocked by the increasing number of private sector companies being outed for having served as Trojan Horses for the loot diverted from public coffers in recent years, especially those that have been benefiting from illicit business links with the Zuptas. (Photo: The New Age Board Chairman Atul Gupta and President [...]

2017-08-02T09:15:49+02:00August 2nd, 2017|

Can Brian Molefe be redeemed?

SOUTH Africa is in desperate need of a hero.    The general fear to speak out is unhelpful I find it hard to understand why so many otherwise intelligent South Africans who are also members of the ANC continue to restrict themselves to only expressing their anger and disappointment in the dark or in what [...]

2017-03-01T10:35:52+02:00March 1st, 2017|
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