Race card

White South Africans should claim their place

I RECENTLY found myself at a loss for words when asked by a group of white South African ladies if I was not offended at seeing them use the “(black) power salute” during an anti-Zuma picket, and if it was all right for them to ‘borrow’ it for the occasion. This was immediately after a [...]

2017-04-12T07:55:14+02:00April 12th, 2017|

Tax revolt threat: heed the signs

DANIEL Miller (not his real name), now in his early fifties, is a fourth generation white South African. He’s a self-employed business consultant who supports a family of four, including his wife. I have known him as a fine gentleman through a common close friend for almost fifteen years. White Square Button with Rally [...]

2016-01-06T07:36:25+02:00January 6th, 2016|
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