Captured by whispers

I AM worried by the increasing number of friends of mine employed in middle to senior management positions in public entities who have been reduced to a community of whisperers.  On a daily basis they see things, hear things, and submit documents to be signed, or have documents submitted to them for signing; documents whose [...]

2016-11-05T12:28:43+02:00November 5th, 2016|

Operation Empty the State coffers?

IT IS hard, when one looks at what is going on in the country, not to be tempted to suspect a sinister drive to empty our country’s coffers ahead of a feared political Armageddon in 2019.  How else does one explain the sudden proliferation of media reports of several multi-million rand deals and other arrangements [...]

2016-09-03T09:09:39+02:00September 3rd, 2016|

SABC’s Matlala set for platinum handshake

JUST over a year ago, we welcomed with a combination of trepidation and relief the appointment of the SABC’s 9th CEO since 2009.   I count acting CEOs in this number because they have become quite ubiquitous in our public service, both at the SABC and at a few other state-owned entities. In fact, the [...]

2016-07-20T09:03:25+02:00July 20th, 2016|
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