Thabo Mbeki

State-captured SA is crying out for a second liberation

AT THE dawn of our democracy, soon after the formal end of apartheid and under the leadership of the inimitable Nelson Mandela, we, the people of South Africa, made a number of promises to ourselves, to our fellow Africans on the rest of the continent and to the diaspora, as well as to the rest [...]

2017-09-13T10:02:54+02:00September 13th, 2017|

The crisis of a president we cannot dislodge

FOLLOWING interesting presentations by two African diplomats as well as a prominent media personality at a recent seminar in Cape Town, I found myself high and dry, with even more questions and worries than answers. Political map of Africa with each country represented by its national flag. 3D Illustration. The problem with attending [...]

2017-04-26T08:36:25+02:00April 26th, 2017|

Restoring sanity to SA

SINCE the arrival of President Jacob Zuma into office, we’ve spent quite a lot of time and energy focused on the negative. We did this not because we’re a negative people, but because our president came into office followed by all sorts of stuff and people whose impact on our moral well-being and that of [...]

2016-12-09T16:16:13+02:00December 9th, 2016|

Era of retribution will come

A FEW months ago I made reference to how the former national director of public prosecutions, highly respected Advocate Vusi Pikoli, was first suspended from his position by former president Thabo Mbeki for trying to do his job without fear or favour, as the law obliged him to do.  For those who do not recall [...]

2016-09-28T08:39:10+02:00September 28th, 2016|

Don’t allow desperation to divide SA

JUST over a decade ago, we saw levels of desperation and the real fear of losing political power drive one Robert Gabriel Mugabe to attack the very core of his country’s economy, uprooting white farmers after accusing them of all sort of things.  Some of his accusations were probably right, but none of them justified [...]

2016-08-07T17:24:26+02:00August 7th, 2016|
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